
We are so excited to unveil our new brand: Streamline AI

August 8, 2022
Kathy Zhu

Table of Contents

After our product launched in early 2021, while folks really liked the product, we were surprised to learn that some of them weren’t as excited about our name — LegalDesk. 

The feedback centered around 2 distinct themes:

  1. Some of our customers said having legal in the name of the product made it more difficult for them to get business stakeholders to use the platform.

  2. Each of our customers had one or two teams outside of legal who wanted to use our product for their own workflows and use-cases, and they weren’t excited about using a system that sounded like it was made for legal only.

As much as we loved being known as LegalDesk, we recognized that we needed to craft a new identity that spoke to a larger vision — an intelligent platform that streamlines high volume request channels for any G&A function.

Welcome to the world, Streamline AI!




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